The integrative URBAN KRAV MAGA TACTICS defensive systems instruction entails and offers an insight mixture depth of tactical, legal, psychological, technical and strategic competence with effectual skills for spatial cognizance and self-preservation execution in real-life threats and attacks settings. It is unrivalled as a form of comprehensive physical skills, leading to the correct mindsets conditioning outlooks that engrains the appropriate reflexive advantageous actionable engagements should unwarranted confrontational happenstances ever calls for it.
Our URBAN KRAV MAGA TACTICS all-inclusive combat methodologies utilizing only modern, innovative and safe training approaches that have been proven effectively under the harshest situational circumstances’ adaptation on the street, which imparting specialized responses for individuals’ protective efforts and function correctly during the high-stress and shock of a sudden violent victimization.
As a result, our tactical training, structure and strategies is one of the most credible pedagogic approach to Krav Maga self-defense by adapting, analyzing, transforming operational experience nowadays based on multidisciplinary knowledge of combat, intercultural, cognitive and psychological aspects of our practitioners – also, by preventing, dealing with and overcome all kinds of assaults, armed and unarmed hostilities (impact objects and weapons), and legal force options (avoidance, deterrence, lethal, etc.).
Our URBAN Combat fitness is integrated into every applied session following the research-based methodological chart of AMACS (Australian Martial Arts Coaching System) and the Australian Sports Professional Association and other leading health and fitness institutes.
AMACS is one of the most respected name and approved industry governing body accreditation in sports science and fitness certification entailing elite trainers to attain comprehensive knowledge, skills and aptitude in physiology, kinesiology, functional anatomy and assessment, and human movement science including administrative risk management, marketing, business strategies, and program design.
The both industry association research-based exhibits intellective interests for participants’ empowerment, capacity, efficiency, innovative collaboration, communicative career support, education and actionable strategies that could lead to positive change, and with its optimum scholastic implementation methodologies creates intensification values to exceptional levels of neuromuscular efficiency, dynamic flexibility, impact, competencies, equilibrium, and stress reduction.